Treating Customers Fairly

This information is intended to provide clarity and understanding of what we mean when we refer to “treating you fairly and at the centre of all we do”.

  • Our culture is built on being open, honest and fair in everything we do.
  • We offer a comprehensive range of services all designed with you, the customer in mind.
  • Throughout all our dealings with you, we’ll provide timely communication that is clear, accurate and easily understood.
  • Our advice is based on your needs and is balanced to reflect both the benefits, and any associated risks.
  • We follow robust, clearly documented systems & processes to ensure consistency and reasonably predictable outcomes.
  • We’re committed to continuous improvement and welcome feedback at all times to consider changes and further improvements.

We’re positive about the future for financial services in the UK, and are fully supportive of the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) key objectives which are:

  • To secure an appropriate degree of protection for consumers;
  • To protect and enhance the integrity of the UK financial system; and
  • To promote effective competition in the interests of consumers.

Get in touch 0151 328 5678

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